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Derat's Unused Kits Pack v13 speaks now in english.
I changed links on BWP-linklist.


Stone of Askavar v2.0 is now available in french (again) -> http://www.baldursgatemods.com/forums/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=31
Announcement -> http://www.baldursgatemods.com/forums/index.php?topic=8304.0

Translations were turned off when v1.9 was out. Between v1.8 (when foreign languages worked) and v1.9 / v2.0, updates must be made for foreign languages. That's why only french is available at the moment.
Feel free to contact Red Carnelian to update languages.

About changes, Isaya worked on it with Red Carnelian, and following changes were made:
Isaya schrieb:
Notes on SOA 1.9

Potential issues in the SoA 1.9


journal lines refer to setup.tra while the file is actually setup-soa.tra
however installation doesn't fail, probably because the texts in setup-soa.tra are already loaded


The content differs for bg and bgee
Line @308 is present twice in the bgee version, with different texts
Line @309 is present twice in the bgee version, with identical text
Line @321 is missing in bgee
The second occurence of @308 in bgee is actually identical to @321 in bg, so it looks like the second @308 in bgee should be numbered @321.

However both @308 and @321 are used in soa-core.tpa for blocks dealing with TotSC (line 503 and 521, SOAITM13 and SOAITM16), Tutu-TotSC (line 883 and 901, SOAITM13 and SOAITM16) and BGT (line 1167 and 1185, SOAITM13 and SOAITM16).
For BGEE, the code uses @49 and @61 for SOAITM13 and SOAITM16 at line 1490 and 1508.
Content of @49 and @308 differ a bit.
Content of @61 and second @308/@321 differ a bit.

Furthermore, version 1.9 lost all specificities for BG - TotSC in terms of descriptions. They are now aligned with BGT / Tutu and at least profeciency type will be wrong (the others differences are purely in style).

General note on bg and bgee directories

Different directories are not required in order to have texts for BGEE, including for translations that require proper character encoding. In the current state of the mod, having separate directories for BG/BGT/Tutu and BGEE does not avoid the character encoding issue because of the tra file that is common to both, setup-soa.tra, where journal texts have been added.

For instance, in French, because of the journal texts in setup-soa.tra (using special characters), not having an UTF-8 version of setup-soa.tra will cause a crash in BGEE.

Camdawg wrote a guide on Gibberlings Three explaining how to convert a mod to work with Enhanced Edition games. Regarding items and their description, the guide suggests to use an additional tra file for item descriptions that differ between older games and EE games, in particular because usability shall be removed in EE. In practise, that means the "duplications with modified descriptions" in @2xx and @3xx could be made in a way that would make it easier, at least for translators, to know how the various descriptions are expected to match.

Since version 237 WeiDU includes a new function, HANDLE_CHARSETS, that can handle the conversion to UTF-8 at installation time. CamDawg mentionned it in its guide and provides a link to a detailled description in the WeiDU forum.
I adapted the code of Stone of Askavar to use it instead of having two sets of files.

However this doesn't solve the problem with BG-TotSC descriptions. I took inspiration of the method described by CamDawg for BGEE item descriptions to rework the soa-core.tpa file to handle the issue.

In practise Stone of Askavar sometimes needs three variations of a description :
  • one for Tutu/BGT
  • one for TotSC, with a variation on weapon proficiency and a few other things in item descriptions
  • one for BGEE, without usability texts and a few other form differences
I considered Tutu/BGT as the base and made variations in files contained only the subset of texts requiring adjustement for BG-TotSC or BGEE. However I didn't move the texts regarding specific texts for BG-TotSC (spells mostly) in the BG specific file. As a consequence, main.tra now contains Tutu / BGT descriptions only. Then I made two files to account for how descriptions should be changed to match BG and BGEE style.

I moved all tra files from the bg subdirectoy at the same level as setup-soa.tra and deleted the bgee subdirectory.

Finally I added an iconv directory side by side with the languages, as is the most common way to include the iconv conversion tool.

In the tp2 file, the tra file containing texts for BG or BGEE is loaded in ALWAYS using this sample code:

  LOAD_TRA ~soa/language/%LANGUAGE%/main_bgee.tra~ /* Item descriptions for BGEE, i.e. without usability info */

  LOAD_TRA ~soa/language/%LANGUAGE%/main_totsc.tra~ /* Item descriptions for TotSC, i.e. with different weapon proficiency */

In soa-core.tpa, I changed the blocks relative to BG, Tutu and BGT so that they all use the same numbers for item descriptions whatever the game is.
Based on the original code in soa-core.tpa, I built the following table for matching texts beyond 200 with their counter below:

2 - 201
3 - 202
6 - 203
7 - 204
10 - 205
11 - 206
14 - 207
15 - 208
18 - 209
19 - 210
22 - 304
23 - 305
26 - 211
27 - 212
30 - 300 identical
31 - 301
34 - 302 identical
35 - 303
38 - 213
39 - 214
43 - 306
45 - 307
49 - 308
52 - 215
53 - 216
56 - 217
57 - 218
60 - 309 minor difference in the text description, not meaningful
61 - 321
63 - 310
67 - 311
71 - 312 strength +1 added in 312
74 - 313
82 - 314
86 - 315
89 - 219
90 - 220
93 - 221
94 - 222
100 - 223
101 - 224
104 - 225
105 - 226
108 - 227
109 - 228
110 - 229
114 - 316
116 - 317
118 - 318
120 - 319
122 - 320

Test report

With these changes, grouped into the attached archive, I installed the mod on BG-TotSC and BGEE. I checked item descriptions in game using the CLUA console in both cases.
I also played the initial encounter of the mod at chapter 5 in BG-TotSC and checked item descriptions for the expected description for BG.
I updated to WeiDU 239 to make these tests.

Notes on English texts


strength requirement differs between @3 (BGEE, requires 5) and @202 (others, requires 8)
strength requirement differs between @7 (BGEE, requires 10) and @204 (others, requires 12)
weight differs between @10 (BGEE, 10) and @205 (others, 8)
strength requirement differs between @11 (BGEE, requires 9) and @206 (others, requires 10) and weight is present twice in @11
weight differs between @14 (BGEE, 10) and @207 (others, 6)
damage bonus against giants is not indicated in @15 (BGEE)
text description differs a bit between @18 (BGEE) and @209 (others)
strength requirement differs between @19 (BGEE, requires 10) and @210 (others, requires 11)
@19 (BGEE) still uses profeciency "Spiked Weapons" from BG1
@22 (BGEE) and @304 (others) are actually identical
text description differs a bit between @26 (BGEE) and @211 (others)
@30 (BGEE) and @300 (others) are actually identical
@34 (BGEE) and @302 (others) are actually identical
text description differs a bit between @38 (BGEE) and @213 (others)
text description differs a bit between @39 (BGEE) and @214 (others)
text description differs a bit between @56 (BGEE) and @217 (others)
strength requirement differs between @57 (BGEE, requires 8) and @218 (others, requires 9)
text description differs between @60 (BGEE, "open face") and @309 (others, "decorative", identical to BG1 @19724)
effect strength +1 missing in @71 (BGEE) compared to @312 (others)
weight differs between @89 (BGEE, 8) and @219 (others, 7)
weight differs between @93 (BGEE, 3) and @219 (others, 5)
@101 (BGEE) still uses profeciency "Large Sword" from BG1
@110 (BGEE) still uses profeciency "Large Sword" from BG1

setup-soa.tra, CEARWIN.tra and ARANOR.tra

CEARWIN.tra: @59 et @62 are journal entries, without title. The text is also in setup-soa.tra, this time with title. I have the feeling it's not going to work since WeiDU will create two different texts and the quest entry is likely to remain after quest completion with the BG II engine (from experience).
ARANOR.tra : @2 et @25 are journal entries that are not present in setup-soa.tra. They are likely to remain in the quest list. Is this intended?

Note on the Readme file

Now that the tp2 file is in the soa directory, you can remove it from the list of files to destroy once the mod is uninstalled.
There are no instructions on where to put the files for BGEE (I know it's tricky with all the versions).
The last sentence in the COMPATIBILITY section is incomplete. The name BP at the end is ambiguous. Are you refering to BP-BGT-Worldmap or was it meant to be BG:EE?

Additional minor changes

readme_fr.hmtl: updated French readme for V1.9
readme_soa.html: addition of link to French readme


Senior Member

Afaaq der Dischinngefährte ist im Wiki und der Linkliste nicht vorhanden.
Da es sich um einen wirklich guten mod handelt wäre es schön, wenn ihn jemand einpflegen würde. Ich selbst bin nicht in der Lage dazu. Bitte seid so nett - Danke


Matron Modderholic
Das Wiki und die Linkliste wird momentan nicht gepflegt. Da bräuchte es schon Freiwillige.