Nachdem ja jetzt seit n paar Tagen die ganzen Wertungen eintrudeln, gibt's jetzt auch endlich was ohne Prozentzahl am Ende.
Genauer gesagt das Wot I think... von RPS.
die wichtigsten positiven/negativen Aussagen für die Lesefaulen:
- Dragon Age: Inquisition might just be my favourite game released this year.
- [DA:I is] a game thick with merits and while there is no single innovative idea that stands out like Mordor’s implementation of the nemesis system, instead almost every feature and piece of content is delivered at the highest level of quality.
- That’s not to say Inquisition is anything more than an excellent piece of genre fiction. It’s a fantasy RPG, with clever embellishments, and the good work that its developers have done is very much contained within recognisable parameters.
- The game’s strongest moments are tied to the main quest line, which is the usual story of a world in crisis, but with the added intrigue of an agency undergoing a difficult reincarnation.
- For all of its conflict, the world of Dragon Age has a far broader range of social norms than many places on Earth and there’s a gracefulness in the handling of that which I haven’t noticed in previous BioWare games.
- In reality, the flow is disrupted by the many distractions on each map.
- The writing is supremely confident with only the smallest spattering of fantasy bullshit. Mostly, it’s relatable social and political topics, religion and rebellion, faith and failure.
- There are flaws, of course, and I reckon some people will have a much more critical view of the combat.
- With a camera that refuses to zoom out much higher than a dwarf on a stepladder, it’s not the most useful tactical mode in existence. Sure, it pauses combat, allows you to set orders (though not to queue a string of commands) and inch time forward with the push of a button, but it’s functional at best.
- With Inquisition, BioWare have handled the narrative and consequence of conversation and action with more assurance and depth than Telltale, while also constructing one of the finest and most forward-looking CRPGs ever made.
Klingt so, als ob sich Bioware wirklich den Arsch aufgerissen hat, um den eingeschlagenen Kurs von DA2, ME3 und SWToR wieder zu verlassen. Kudos, das hab ich nicht erwartet.